Thursday, 14 November 2013
Vibrate yourself to a different timeline
Think of a big field of timelines that we can move around in.
We are constantly and subtly moving between the timelines within this field, we just don't realize it, so we tend to stay in the same region of timelines. Culture has tuned our attention into a small range of of timelines.
We can move through the field by will and vibration, like a jellyfish in water, or like a butterfly through the air.
We just need to figure out where we want to go, and then use vibrational momentum to propel us to our destination.
Think of the reality/timeline that you want to be in, and then vibrate towards it.
The nature of reality is liquid, so move in a fluid manner, and propel yourself with your vibrations.
Start fluttering.
The idea is that we are subtly moving between realities/timelines all the time, we just aren't aware of it.
Culture/media keeps us tuned into a narrow band of timelines so that we don't move too far off the farm.
Moving to other realities involves letting go of attachments to your current reality, you have to remove any energy invested in the current one, then you can fly off to another one. This is internal work you do to cut the strings.
Drop all religion, drop all ritual, drop all OCD type behavior, and figure out where you are investing your energy. Once these strings are cut, only then can you start to fly.
Hold the vibration of what you want to manifest
Creating your own reality is not as simple as turning on/off a light-switch, not yet anyway. Instead we have to learn it as a series of baby steps, and do the necessary inner-gymnastics to get the ball rolling.
When you think of something that you want to manifest you create a vibration to make it happen. You project that wish into the universe, and like a boomerang you have to be standing in the same place in order to receive it, you have to remain in the same vibration. We often project our wishes into the universe, and then get distracted by something else that changes our vibration, so when our wish comes back to us we aren't there to receive it.
As I said this is a baby-step remembering process, so first try holding the vibration for a minute, then five minutes..etc Different wishes will require different lengths of time to come back to us. The good news is that the more we exercise this creative muscle, the less time these things take to come back to us. This is all about moving from doing-ness to being-ness, pure being-ness is outside of time, and in that state everything manifests instantly.
Older thoughts on Creating Your own Reality
My earlier 'Create your own reality' article is in fact the newer one, read it first. this one here is some of my older musings.
This is a collection of some of my old posts/thoughts.
I think that creating your own reality is concept that resonates with all of us, especially at this time of awakening. We all have the feeling somewhere within us that we should be creating our own reality.
So the question becomes, what is the lag or waiting period between having a wish, and the wish becoming real. I believe that this lag is simply our ingrained belief systems, especially from childhood. We are taught concepts like the serial nature of linear time, and entropy in the universe. I think that these types of western beliefs are what holds us back from creating our own reality, or at least slows it down.
By holding these types of western beliefs, it makes us think that creating reality involves some form of doing, or doing-ness. The idea that we have to do something as some entropic action against time. I think that we have to loosen the screws of these belief systems, and unlearn and undo these concepts.
So we need to move out of doing-nesss, and back into being-ness, being in the NOW. In being, and being-ness you are not required to do anything, things just happen instantaneously. Getting into being-ness involves a deep theraputic inner-work to dislodge these ideas of doing-ness, and the concepts of the western mind. This theraputic inner-work isn't just at the surface level either, it's something that we have to work on from the inside-out to completely dislodge the western illusionary beliefs.
We have to get out of the male/western illusion that you have to wrestle with the external universe in order to accomplish something. I think that process of getting into the NOW, and being-ness involves bringing out our feminine energy, and this feminine energy will be the theraputic force that helps us to loosen the screws of our male belief systems.
Native people's aren't brainwashed by this western colonial illusion of doing-ness, the idea that you have to build mega-civililizations in order to accomplish something. These illusions are all a form of moving away from nature, and trying to conquer it, these are patriarchal concepts. People often wonder why Native peoples don't do anything, or why they aren't players in the game of civilization/empire building. Well, the answer is that they are focused on being-ness, and have an intimate connection to Mother Earth. They realize that doing-ness is a move in the wrong direction, it only leads to the problems that are evident in the world today. Women are also more in tune with being-ness, women can understand things on an intuitive level, whereas men need maths/geometries etc in order to understand these same concepts. Women don't need to do anything, because they are already in the NOW, they are already at the destination point, they are in touch with their intuition, and they have gone within, rather than buying into the illusion that the answers are outside of themselves. The good news is that regardless of our sex, we can all tap into our own feminine energies, and start to move back into being-ness.
Bring out the feminine energies, and start this deep inner-work that will free us of our old belief systems. Once these male illusions of doing-ness have been removed, then there will be no lag between having a wish, and the wish becoming real. We will simply be creating reality in the NOW, and life will become easier than we ever imagined.
I feel that it is our nature/purpose to create our own reality, but making it actually happen is the part that some people are struggling with.
The reason is because we are trying to do it like pushing a button, and expecting instant results. That doesn't work right now because we are still in amnesia. Instead we should be doing it in the form of a dance, a series of baby-steps that will help us to remember. You must find the moves to this dance via an introversion into your inner-self, and through this internal dowsing the steps of this sacred dance will be revealed. It's all about going within, and figuring out the first moves/baby steps to initiate and ignite this kinesthetic inner-dance.
We already create reality during the day with our imagination, but this is a very ethereal level.
The next level is via dreaming, this level of reality creation has more substance to it, and is more 'real'. We often think that it is real.
So to create reality in our real lives we just need to find a way of turning up the dial. Using a stronger form of what we already do in imagination/dreaming.
We need to internally dance ourselves into the space of sacred creation, of our creator self. We need to internally dowse all aspects of our lives until we enter into that space of sacred charge, and then we will be able to bend the reality around us.
It's not the Matrix that keeps us trapped... It's the distractions within the Matrix that keep us trapped.
It's like being in a big room full of toys, you can leave at any time, but first you have to put down the toys.
We invest our focus and energy into these many distractions of life, on many different levels, some that we aren't even aware of.
It's like being glued to the television, or spending hours on a video game, they are just lures for our attention.
You have to figure out where you are investing your energy and attention, and then once you become aware of these lures you can then step away from them, and slowly you will regain your senses and yourself.
When you stop wrestling for answers in the external world, you can then go within and find the real answers.
The Chhandogya Upanishad
by Swami Krishnananda
Section 1: The Universal Self Within the Heart and in the World
Some Quotes from it:
"This is the secret, as the Upanishad puts it. This heart is a great secret, and by an introversion of Consciousness into its depths, it would be possible to plumb the mysteries of the whole cosmos. The reason is that the tentacles of all planes of being are centred in one's heart. It is as though this heart is the centre of a universal circle. The radii of this circle converge into this little centre of Consciousness which we vaguely call the subject of perception."
"You ask me what is inside this little space. I tell you that everything is inside here," says the teacher. It is like a speck of sunlight. Though it may look like a speck, it contains constitutionally everything that is in the orb of the sun. Similarly, that which is in this little space can magnify itself to any extent. It is an emblem of the cosmic secret. Whatever is the extent of this vast space that is outside, that is the extent of this little space in our own heart also. So, one should not be under the impression that it is little in an arithmetical sense. It is little in a different sense altogether. It is not physically small. It is not a little handful of space. It is really as expansive and as extensive as this universal ether that we see outside. The whole of the heaven and the whole earth can be found inside this little space. The principles of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - and whatever you see outside, is all present here in this little ether. The sun and the moon and also the stars can be seen inside this very heart of ours. They have a corresponding emissary planted in our own heart. We need not look up to the sun outside. He is inside our heart and he shines in the same way as he is seen outside in outer space. Even the lightning and the thunder that are seen outside are taking place inside our heart. Everything that happens in any manner, even the littlest thing, takes place here inside. Whatever we see in the outside world and whatever we cannot see in the outside world - all those things are inside our heart."
"We now commence the eighth and the last chapter of the Chhandogya Upanishad. In our own self, in the deepest recess of our own heart, there is a great secret. This is the subject of this chapter. We carry within our own self a great mystery. No one can be a greater mystery than our own Self. Everything else is capable of definition and understanding, but one's own Self is the greatest enigma in the whole world. Everything can be investigated into, but not one's own Self, because it is a great secret by itself. It is not an open box where we can pick out whatever we like merely by sense perception. It is a tremendous mystery which hides, within its own bosom, the miracles of the whole creation. Such is the heart of man which is the pivot of every kind of activity, whether internal or external."source:
Forget New Age concepts like the Higher-Self, that's just externalizing, I only deal with the Inner-Self. The external world is projected from the Inner-self. The external world doesn't influence us, we influence it. You are the projector, the matrix is the film being played, and what's being projected on the screen is the external reality. You just need to replace the film with your own one, and then project your film instead.
Creating your own reality is not as simple as turning on/off a light-switch, not yet anyway. Instead we have to learn it as a series of baby steps, and do the necessary inner-gymnastics to get the ball rolling.
When you think of something that you want to manifest you create a vibration to make it happen. You project that wish into the universe, and like a boomerang you have to be standing in the same place in order to receive it, you have to remain in the same vibration. We often project our wishes into the universe, and then get distracted by something else that changes our vibration, so when our wish comes back to us we aren't there to receive it.
As I said this is a baby-step remembering process, so first try holding the vibration for a minute, then five minutes..etc Different wishes will require different lengths of time to come back to us. The good news is that the more we exercise this creative muscle, the less time these things take to come back to us. This is all about moving from doing-ness to being-ness, pure being-ness is outside of time, and in that state everything manifests instantly.
Here are some more tips:
1. Create from the Heart, not from the Head.
2. Feel that what you want to create has already happened, this will help to hold the vibration.
3. Play with your inner-light on a daily basis.
The available substrate of reality stretching thin
Think of reality as a ball of clay, there is a finite amount of material to work with.
We are in a state now where there is "nothing new under the sun" essentially.
Certain human things have already reached their end-points, and now we just regurgitate them.
The art and literature of the 20s & 30s has never been surpassed and never will
Music really ended in 1969, but was able to be stretched until the late 90s, everything after that was a reprise and nostalgic regurgitation of what had come before.
Almost all films nowadays are re-makes, so are lots of video games.
You see the natural unfoldment of these things ended a long time ago, and now we are in a situation of desperate stretching out whatever clay is left to play with, and a recycling of old ideas.
All the young people nowadays are 'hipsters', hipsters wear flannel shirts, buy vinyl, dress in eclectic clothing from past decades, they are basically recycling old ideas in shorter and shorter cycles.
Also there are no larger than life iconic figures nowadays, like Martin Luther King or Einstein, paradigmatic individuals. The closest may be Steve Jobs, but look what he represented, a device that lets you have an eclectic music collection, an 90s playlist, an 80s playlist, a device that lets you recycle the past nostalgically, so he represents the recycling hipsters.
So what happens when there is no more substrate left to play with, it must mean some sort of singularity or graduation for humanity.
Method for getting out of polarity
If you have a negative thought, don't rush to compensate it with a positive thought. Instead move your beingness into the third way, this third way integrates and smooths over both the negative and positive.
It's like a triangle, the two base points are the positive and negative, but the third way is the tip of the triangle.
It gets you out of the polarity struggle and the illusion of needing to rush into the positive. It stops you from unbalancing your seesaw.
If you can playfully do this on a natural automatic level then you will quickly feel like a great weight has been lifted, and you will be able to run down the road and fly into a new level of being.
Reality ~ Pay Attention to the micro glitches
You will discover more about the nature of reality in a careful observation of the subtle anomalies or 'micro-glitches' in your day to day life.
I don't mean Deja-Vu, Deja-Vus may be relatively big glitches, but they are too rare to make any meaningful study of.
If you really want to get a feel for the shape and fabric of the reality, then you have to carefully find subtle threads of anomalies in your mundane day to day life.
Notice when time slows down or speeds up, and other subtle things like little synchronicities. Try to find small patterns.
I saw through the matrix in a dream last night.
You know when you see something in a dream that you remember from somewhere, but then you wake up and you know that it didn't happen in your waking timeline?
In other words you see something in a dream and say "Oh yeah, that happened, I remember it", but in your 'real life' it didn't happen that way, but in the dream you remember it as something that DID happen, as a real memory.
So in dreams you remember all possible variations of an event, all the timelines, but when you wake up you only remember the way it happened in your waking timeline.
anyone understand? Tough to explain.
In the dream you are able to float across all timelines at once.
End Times and Living Your Bliss
The real transformation is when you step into your world/bliss/joy
now-moment. Everything else from Religion, gods, ETs, Conspiracy,
Contact and any other form of woo-woo are just a symbol set that points
to the real Nirvana of living your personal bliss.
Riding in a spaceship or sitting on a cloud in heaven are just symbols pointing you to the real nirvana of personal bliss. They aren't the real thing themselves. You just have to follow the beacon of your highest joy and drop the baggage that doesn't belong to you. As you do you will lighten-up and reality will synchronistically respond by bringing you more of your joy.
Solipsism is the only thing that explains 'personal syncs', they couldn't exist if you were irrelevant. The people in your lives are real, but you only experience the version of them that corresponds to the reality frequency that you are in, which is determined internally by your state of being. The internal is the prime mover, the external is the reflection.
So how does this tie into 1999 simulation. Well I think that the last 15 years or so has been an integration period, of reflection, nostalgia, eclecticism, hipsterism and so forth. It is the time where we collect our thoughts on what we learned in the 'real world', prior to this time, and where we can go within and figure out what our highest joy/bliss actually is. We have gathered our experiences and are now ready to fly into the reality of our own choosing equipped with all the props and flavors of life that we have experienced. We then will have our own human singularity. The human singularity is our only escape hatch from the technological singularity which is just around the corner, I mean google glass even looks like the borg, right?
Technology was only ever meant to be a surrogate for the meme to be born and shared, the meme of living our own bliss. We now have to discard that technological umbilical cord and fly into our dreams.
The Ape now stands at the threshold of Angel or Android.
One final note: Yes follow your bliss, yes act it out, but never make it a 'some day' thing, because then it will always be 'some day'. Instead you have to anchor it into the present, because there only is the present. You have to act it out and go through the motions of the ideal you in the now, as if it is already present.
Picked up this final note by listening to a Bashar Q&A late on Friday night, and it really resonated.
Edit: You can further boil this down to the following affirmation:
When is x gonna happen for me?
Answer: As soon as I anchor it into the present.
So whenever you ask when is it gonna happen, catch yourself and always answer with "As soon as I anchor it into the present."
You will find that you will do this 40 or more times in a day.
Riding in a spaceship or sitting on a cloud in heaven are just symbols pointing you to the real nirvana of personal bliss. They aren't the real thing themselves. You just have to follow the beacon of your highest joy and drop the baggage that doesn't belong to you. As you do you will lighten-up and reality will synchronistically respond by bringing you more of your joy.
Solipsism is the only thing that explains 'personal syncs', they couldn't exist if you were irrelevant. The people in your lives are real, but you only experience the version of them that corresponds to the reality frequency that you are in, which is determined internally by your state of being. The internal is the prime mover, the external is the reflection.
So how does this tie into 1999 simulation. Well I think that the last 15 years or so has been an integration period, of reflection, nostalgia, eclecticism, hipsterism and so forth. It is the time where we collect our thoughts on what we learned in the 'real world', prior to this time, and where we can go within and figure out what our highest joy/bliss actually is. We have gathered our experiences and are now ready to fly into the reality of our own choosing equipped with all the props and flavors of life that we have experienced. We then will have our own human singularity. The human singularity is our only escape hatch from the technological singularity which is just around the corner, I mean google glass even looks like the borg, right?
Technology was only ever meant to be a surrogate for the meme to be born and shared, the meme of living our own bliss. We now have to discard that technological umbilical cord and fly into our dreams.
The Ape now stands at the threshold of Angel or Android.
One final note: Yes follow your bliss, yes act it out, but never make it a 'some day' thing, because then it will always be 'some day'. Instead you have to anchor it into the present, because there only is the present. You have to act it out and go through the motions of the ideal you in the now, as if it is already present.
Picked up this final note by listening to a Bashar Q&A late on Friday night, and it really resonated.
Edit: You can further boil this down to the following affirmation:
When is x gonna happen for me?
Answer: As soon as I anchor it into the present.
So whenever you ask when is it gonna happen, catch yourself and always answer with "As soon as I anchor it into the present."
You will find that you will do this 40 or more times in a day.
Creating your own Reality
The idea that reality is just a reflection of your current beliefs.
But there is a difference between believing and wanting to believe.
The whole process works on levels:
1. Do you believe you can manifest your highest joy/bliss? (You need to believe this first)
2. Do you believe that the external reality is just a projection of you and your beliefs? (You must also believe in this)
3. Figure out what your joy/bliss actually is (What you want).
4. Now you are at the stage where you know what you want, and you know that all you have to do is believe it to make it real.
5. Now you are at the stage where you realize that there is a difference between wanting to believe something in order to make it real, and actually believing in that thing. (Wanting to believe vs Actual belief)
6. Now you are at the stage where you know all of the above, and are struggling with the concept of 'actual belief' and what that means. This is as far as I got, and am still trying to figure it out.
Guide: Yes follow your bliss, yes act it out, but never make it a 'some day' thing, because then it will always be 'some day'. Instead you have to anchor it into the present, because there only is the present. You have to act it out and go through the motions of the ideal you in the now, as if it is already present. Picked up this final note by listening to a Bashar Q&A late on Friday night, and it really resonated.
Guide: You can further boil this down to the following affirmation:
When is x gonna happen for me?
Answer: As soon as I anchor it into the present.
So whenever you ask when is it gonna happen, catch yourself and always answer with "As soon as I anchor it into the present."
You will find that you will do this 40 or more times in a day.
Guide: What Bashar is saying is that there is no objective external reality, reality only reflects your current state of being.
The goal is to be your highest joy, that joy is the beacon or light house that you move towards by being more and more of your true self, and dropping the baggage that doesn't belong to you, lighten-up to get enlightened.
If you go up to a mirror and see that the reflection is frowning you can't change the frown on the mirror itself, instead you have to smile first, and then the reflection will have no choice but to smile.
Beingness also involves acting it out (Actualizing it out), you have to be the change that you want to see. This is the final step, and often the part people struggle with, they can understand the mirror analogy intellectually, but in order to make a change you have to internally change your state of being first, and the critical part is acting it out, you have to act out the YOU that you want to be. Picture the YOU in the reality of your highest joy and then act out the behavior and mannerisms of that YOU.
The final test will be if you can keep behaving as that ideal YOU even if the outer reality hasn't changed yet. This is how your prove to your higher self that YOU actually have changed, and then the reflection (outer reality) will reflect it.
It has to work like this because belief systems have to be self-reinforcing, otherwise reality would be too slippery and there would be no deep experiences. So when you see that the outer reality hasn't changed yet it's because your old beliefs have this self-reinforcing mechanism as part of the framework of experience. You have to push through these old beliefs by responding differently to the same circumstances, and keeping up the state of being of your highest joy, then the new belief system will push through, and the change can be reflected, because your higher self sees that YOU have truly changed.
The ego only resists because it thinks that it will die if you let it go. you have to make the ego understand that it will not die, and that you are just establishing a harmony between it and the higher self. Then the ego can relax, and the reality of your highest joy will synchronistically and beautifully flow from withing you.
The tightness of the ego is in fact the valve that regulates how quickly your highest joy will flow through, so if you can get it to relax and loosen up then things will speed up for you.
Guide: Reality takes the form of your current strongest beliefs and definitions.
You have to be the vibration before you can see the new reality. You have to ACT IT OUT, (Actualize it out, out into the 'external experience')
You have to embody the new reality and act it out before it can manifest. Even if you don't see it manifest yet, you still have to stay in the vibration of the preferred new reality.
If you want your reflection in a mirror to smile, you have to smile first, don't just stand there saying that you will be happy when the reflection smiles. YOU have to smile (ACT IT OUT), and then the reflection will have no choice but to smile.
For deeper insight listen to these Bashar Talks:
Beyond The Secret
The Simultaneity of existence part 1
Guide: Breath and the Three Steps of Manifestation
1. Breath in: Setting the intention
2. Holding the Breath: The Sacrifice
3. Release of Breath: Giving it up to the Transcendental
The Sacrifice stage is putting in the effort on whatever level is meaningful, the work you put in.. "God loves a trier" (I say 'Higher Self' instead of God).
Yes put the work in, but it can be as simple as holding the breath, i.e how else would a paraplegic person do the second stage? It has to be as simple as a holding of breath.
The out breath isn't forced, it's just a release.
This is also the same set of steps in prayer and sex.
The egoic self cannot create a miracle, it ends up trying to connect a string of dots of how to make it happen, but it just ends up logic-ing it to death.
You have to give it up to the higher self which can then bring it about in a graceful and transcendental way.
Bashar boiled it down to a humorous yet impact-full statement:
'When you stop needing it to make cents, then you will start making dollars'.
It's not about getting rid of the ego though, the ego and the higher self have to be brought into harmony, the goal is to relax the ego so that it can let the higher self flow through. Acknowledge the role of the ego, it is there to facilitate tactile reality. When the ego is relaxed in the knowledge that you are not trying to kill it then it will loosen up and work with the higher self.
To me the higher/inner self is the 'real thing', whereas Gods/ET/Contact etc are all just on the symbol set level that is really just pointing to your higher self. Going beyond those symbols to the real thing is the final step and takes you out of adolescent spirituality and into a mature self responsibility.
The Imagination - our true power
Do this simple exercise with your imagination, and start to remember the true power within. The exercise may seem simple and obvious, but it shows how much we take the imagination for granted, and how little we make use of it.
Close your eyes and imagine a tree, and then open your eyes. Now close your eyes again, but imagine a different tree, then repeat this a third and a fourth time, each time imagining a different looking tree.
You can repeat this an infinite number of times, and your imagination will be able to create a different and unique tree each time. This is the infinite creative power within you.
In a world where everything seems hard, fixed, and immutable, the imagination is the one place where you can do anything.
Here's another way to use the imagination:
When you want to see an amazing image like a forest or a town, don't use the conscious mind to do it, but let the sub-conscious mind create the image, it will always be far more spectacular and real looking.
I believe that this is a case of try vs do. The act of trying to accomplish something is the way of the conscious mind, but the sub-conscious mind doesn't need to try, it just does it effortlessly.
So the only thing you should do with the conscious mind is merely to suggest what you want to see, and then the sub-conscious will take that suggestion and will effortlessly create beautiful and intricate images on its own.
A good way to experience this is by listening to an audio book, and to let the sub-conscious paint the words into images.
You ask the sub-conscious to paint the images for you, and you can sit back and see what it comes up with, don't let the conscious mind interfere with the images. The role of the conscious mind should merely be to suggest.
Also, get creative when you make these suggestions/requests.
Suggesting a forest is fine, but you can also request to see a special floating ball of light that has the power to make you feel warmth in the real world just by looking at it in your imagination. The conscious mind has no idea what such a thing looks like, or if such a thing can even exist, but the sub-conscious mind has no rules or limits like that, if you suggest it and then let the sub-conscious mind create it, it can and will create anything that you suggest.
The conscious mind is limited because it has to try and figure out how something like that would work, but the sub-conscious isn't bound by any conditions/rules/laws, it just does anything instantly.
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